We are very pleased to welcome Dr Walter Tonetto as great advisor
We are very pleased to welcome Dr Walter Tonetto, a great professor, entrepreneur and technologist. We are confident that he will make a great contribution to our Indonesian market development.

Professional Highlights
Technopreneur and Digital visionary. Visiting Professor (Gaikokujinkoshi) at various universities, including the University of Tokyo and Waseda University in Japan; Casual Lecturer, ABFI (Asian Banking Finance & Informatics Institute), Perbanas, Jakarta.
Founder and CEO of technology companies, including PT EOS and PT Notus Enterprises, the latter one of the fastest growing privately held IP companies in Indonesia. In 2018 he signed an MOU for all digital services with Nahdlatul Ulama(96million members). Ex Government ministers are advising him. In 2019 he was elected Vice-Chairman of the Global Blockchain Application Research Foundation (Philipinnes, Thailand & Myanmar).
Various prizes and awards, and more recently expert delegate for EU-funded programs, via IPEC in Istanbul, Turkey, to the world’s largest International Young Professionals Association, IYPF.
Recently Senior Research Fellow in The School of Commerce at The University of South Australia and and Advisor to the CCEG at The University of Northampton, U.K. (www.cceg.org.uk).
Founder and CEO of IndoCoin™(via Nusantara Trust Pte Ltd and PT Nusantara Trust Indonesia), which will bring a DAO and greater fairness and accountability to fintech business in Indonesia.
In 2020 he will be releasing a Hybrid Gold Coin (1/3 real gold, 1/3 real silver , 1/3stablecoin). Consultant and advisor for Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. Also Keynote speaker, Writer, Editor, Accredited Translator, and Freelance Journalist with various book publications; Curator of Art in Australia, and Director of Professional Theatre.
More than 30,000 followers on LinkedIN.Translator, and Freelance Journalist with various book publications;
Curator of Art in Australia, and Director of Professional Theatre.
More than 30,000 followers on LinkedIN.